Practical Six

Circular Doubly Linked List

due : 4pm 22 April 1997

Create an object-oriented implementation of a circular doubly linked list (circular queue).

Each node of the linked list must store a single text string.

Implement methods to accomplish the following

Your destructor must delete all nodes from the linked list.

Use this circular list to simulate a windowing system similar to that of Microsoft Windows. Create a user interface where the contents of the list are constantly displayed, along with options to modify the list. New windows can be inserted (insert element) or existing ones deleted (delete element). Windows can be sent to the top or bottom (rearranging). Windows can also be switched (rotation) in either direction.

Do not attempt to create actual windows on the screen (unless you dont have a life :-)). For this practical, you only need to list the names of the windows and manipulate those names.